Thursday, November 21, 2013

LEJ grows next generation of environmentalists

Anthony Khalil works with youth and volunteers
at the LEJ nursery at Candlestick Park.  Photo: Footprints
Volunteerism is driving grassroots change in Bayview Hunters Point.  Literacy for Environmental Justice has shared that "over 1900 loyal volunteers and students collectively invested 10,000 hours to restoring local ecology...."
That's important, not just because there's work needing done (they've grown over 10,000 plants at the new wetlands at Yosemite Slough), but because the volunteers themselves can have meaningful, even transformative experiences.  Here's what two LEJ youth have said:
"I liked how we had a chance to work with youth of the Bayview neighborhood and we all got the chance of working together to do something positive.”  - Renneka Jones LEJ Youth Intern
“I improved my communication skills, gardening skills, public speaking skills, and also my follow-through skills.” - Jose Jimenez LEJ Youth Intern

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