Sunday, March 2, 2008

Images from Bridgeview and Latona

From top: Brian Sabado does some heavy lifting; Alyssa and the Piochie sisters love the Spring blossoms cascading down the hill from Latona; painting the sandbox is a group effort that includes Michelle (in lavendar) and Alyssa (in the daisy blouse); Peter Haas and Tony Tarket (QGI Horticulture Chair) have a hat contest; Rhonda and Peter still working, with the new planter box from USF ready to go into place; Rhonda Winter steps back to enjoy the progress at the Latona Garden with husband Peter working hard in the back; during lunch at Jeffrey's place, brothers Elliot and Oliver (both sons of Seth Wachtel, Professor of Architecture and Community Design at USF) find the dessert choice between fruit and "It's It's" easy to make; Will carts a bucket of compost into the Bridgeview Garden as the "bucket brigade" forms.

Most Latona Garden photos courtesy of Rhonda Winter

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