Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Centurian bridge to be replaced

100 year old Quint Bridge
Current bridge seismically unsound.
Three options are being considered for the replacement of the century-old Quint Street Rail Bridge:
  • Replacing the existing bridge with a berm for $20 million, closing private vehicle access under the tracks on Quint Street;
  • Replacing the existing bridge with a $25 million structure that maintains vehicle access under the tracks but would need to be rebuilt to accommodate a future Oakdale Caltrain station; and
  • Replacing the existing bridge with a $35 million structure designed to accommodate future station platforms (exceeding available funding by $10 million).
The lower cost of option one opens the potential for a Quint-Jerrold Connector Road, running along the west side of the Caltrain tracks, that would increase accessibility to adjacent land uses and provide alternate access to areas on the other side of the Caltrain tracks via Jerrold Avenue.

A decision is expected in late spring or early summer.  

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